
Table of Contents

Provided contracts
Problem Statement
Contract Tests
Are there contracts in nixpkgs already?

A contract decouples modules that use a functionality from modules that provide it. A first intuition for contracts is they are generally related to accessing a shared resource.

A few examples of contracts are generating SSL certificates, creating a user or knowing which files and folders to backup. Indeed, when generating certificates, the service using those do not care how they were created. They just need to know where the certificate files are located.

A contract is made between a requester module and a provider module. For example, a backup contract can be made between the Nextcloud service and the Restic service. The former is the requester - the one wanted to be backed up - and the latter is the provider of the contract - the one backing up files. The backup contract would then say which set of options the requester and provider modules must use to talk to each other.

Provided contracts

Self Host Blocks is a proving ground of contracts. This repository adds a layer on top of services available in nixpkgs to make them work using contracts. In time, we hope to upstream as much of this as possible, reducing the quite thick layer that it is now.

Provided contracts are:

Problem Statement

Currently in nixpkgs, every module accessing a shared resource must either implement the logic needed to setup that resource themselves or either instruct the user how to set it up themselves.

For example, this is what the Nextcloud module looks like. It sets up the nginx module and a database, letting you choose between multiple databases.

This has a few disadvantages:

I’m using the Nextcloud module to make the following examples more concrete but this applies to all other modules.

  • This leads to a lot of duplicated code. If the Nextcloud module wants to support a new type of database, the maintainer of the Nextcloud module must do the work. And if another module wants to support it too, the maintainers of that module cannot re-use easily the work of the Nextcloud maintainer, apart from copy-pasting and adapting the code.

  • This also leads to tight coupling. The code written to integrate Nextcloud with the Nginx reverse proxy is hard to decouple and make generic. Letting the user choose between Nginx and another reverse proxy will require a lot of work.

  • There is also a lack of separation of concerns. The maintainers of a service must be experts in all implementations they let the users choose from.

  • This is not extendable. If you, the user of the module, want to use another implementation that is not supported, you are out of luck. You can always dive into the module’s code and extend it with a lot of mkForce, but that is not an optimal experience.

  • Finally, there is no interoperability. It is not currently possible to integrate the Nextcloud module with an existing database or reverse proxy or other type of shared resource that already exists on a non-NixOS machine.

We do believe that the decoupling contracts provides helps alleviate all the issues outlined above which makes it an essential step towards better interoperability.

Indeed, contracts allow:

  • Reuse of code. Since the implementation of a contract lives outside of modules using it, using the same implementation and code elsewhere without copy-pasting is trivial.

  • Loose coupling. Modules that use a contract do not care how they are implemented as long as the implementation follows the behavior outlined by the contract.

  • Full separation of concerns (see diagram below). Now, each party’s concern is separated with a clear boundary. The maintainer of a module using a contract can be different from the maintainers of the implementation, allowing them to be experts in their own respective fields. But more importantly, the contracts themselves can be created and maintained by the community.

  • Full extensibility. The final user themselves can choose an implementation, even new custom implementations not available in nixpkgs, without changing existing code.

  • Incremental adoption. Contracts can help bridge a NixOS system with any non-NixOS one. For that, one can hardcode a requester or provider module to match how the non-NixOS system is configured. The responsibility falls of course on the user to make sure both system agree on the configuration.

  • Last but not least, Testability. Thanks to NixOS VM test, we can even go one step further by ensuring each implementation of a contract, even custom ones, provides required options and behaves as the contract requires thanks to generic NixOS tests. For an example, see the generic backup contract test and the instantiated NixOS tests ensuring the providers do implement the contract correctly.


Conceptually, a contract is an attrset of options with a defined behavior.

Let’s take a reduced secret contract as example. This contract allows a requester module to ask for a secret and a provider module to generate that secret outside of the nix store and provide it back to the requester. In this case, the options for the contract could look like so:

The full secret contract can be found here.

{ lib, ... }:
  inherit (lib) mkOption;
  inherit (lib.types) submodule str;
  # Filled out by the requester module.
  request = mkOption {
    type = submodule {
      options = {
        owner = mkOption {
          description = "Linux user owning the secret file.";
          type = str;

  # Filled out by the provider module.
  result = mkOption {
    type = submodule {
      options = {
        path = mkOption {
          description = "Linux user owning the secret file.";
          type = str;

  # Options specific for each provider.
  settings = mkOption {
    type = submodule {
      options = {
        encryptedFile = mkOption {
          description = "Encrypted file containing the secret.";
          type = path;

Unfortunately, the contract needs to be more complicated to handle several constraints.

  1. First, to fill out the contract, the requester must set the defaults for the request.* options and the provider for the result.* options.

    Since one cannot do that after calling the mkOption function, the request and result attributes must be functions taking in the defaults as arguments.

  2. Another constraint is a provider module of a contract will need to work for several requester modules. This means that the option to provide the contract will be an attrsOf of something, not just plainly the contract.

    Think of a provider for the secret contract, if it didn’t use attrsOf, one could only create an unique secret for all the modules, which is not useful.

  3. Also, one usually want the defaults for the contract to be computed from some other option. For a provider module, the options in the result could be computed from the name provided in the attrsOf or from a value given in the request or setting attrset.

    For example, a provider module for the secret contract would want something like the following in pseudo code:

    services.provier = {
      secret = mkOption {
        type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
          result = {
            path = mkOption {
              type = str;
              default = "/run/secrets/${name}";

    Another example is for a provider module for the backup contract which would want the name of the restore script to depend on the path to the repository it is backing up to. This is necessary to differentiate which source to restore from in case one wants to backup a same requester service to multiple different repositories. One could be local and another remote, for example.

    services.provider = {
      backup = mkOption {
        type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, config, ... }: {
          settings = {
          result = {
            restoreScript = {
              type = str;
              default = "provider-restore-${name}-${config.settings.repository.path}";
  4. Finally, the last constraint, which is also the more demanding, is we want to generate the documentation for the options with nixos-generate-config. For that, the complicated default we give to options that depend on other options break the documentation generation. So instead of using only default, we must also define defaultText attributes.

    This means the actual mkRequest and mkResult functions must take twice as many arguments as there are option. One for the default and the other for the defaultText. This will not be shown in the following snippets as it is already complicated enough.

These are all the justifications to why the final contract structure is as presented in the next section. It makes it harder to write, but much easier to use, which is nice property.


A contract for a version of the backup contract with less options would look like so:

{ lib, ... }:
  inherit (lib) mkOption;
  inherit (lib.types) submodule str;
  mkRequest =
    { owner ? "root",
    }: mkOption {
      default = {
        inherit owner;

      type = submodule {
        options = {
          owner = mkOption {
            description = "Linux user owning the secret file.";
            type = str;
            default = owner;

  mkResult =
    { path ? "/run/secrets/secret",
    }: mkOption {
    type = submodule {
      options = {
        path = mkOption {
          description = "Linux user owning the secret file.";
          type = str;
          default = path;

Assuming the services.requester module needs to receive a password from the user and wants to use the secret contract for that, it would then setup the option like so:

{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
  inherit (lib) mkOption;
  inherit (lib.types) submodule;

  contracts = pkgs.callPackage ./modules/contracts {};

  mkRequester = requestCfg: {
    request = contracts.secret.mkRequest requestCfg;

    result = contracts.secret.mkResult {};
{ = {
    password = mkOption {
      description = "Password for the service.";
      type = submodule {
        options = mkRequester {
          owner = "requester";
  config = {
    // Use

A provider that can create multiple secrets would have an attrsOf option and use the contract in it like so:

  inherit (lib) mkOption;
  inherit (lib.types) attrsOf submodule;

  contracts = pkgs.callPackage ./modules/contracts {};

  mkProvider =
    { resultCfg,
      settings ? {},
    }: {
      request = contracts.secret.mkRequest {};

      result = contracts.secret.mkResult resultCfg;
    } // optionalAttrs (settings != {}) { inherit settings; };
{ = {
    secrets = mkOption {
      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, options, ... }: {
        options = mkProvider {
          resultCfg = {
            path = "/run/secrets/${name}";

          settings = mkOption {
            description = "Settings specific to the Sops provider.";

            type = attrsOf (submodule {
              options = {
                repository = mkOption {
            default = {};

The mkRequester and mkProvider are provided by Self Host Blocks as they are generic, so the actual syntax is a little bit different. They were copied here that way so the snippets were self-contained.

To see a full contract in action, the secret contract is a good example. It is composed of:

Contract Tests

To make sure all providers module of a contract have the same behavior, generic NixOS VM tests exist per contract. They are generic because they work on any module, as long as the module implements the contract of course.

A simplified test for a secret contract would look like the following. First, there is the generic test:

{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
  inherit (lib) getAttrFromPath setAttrByPath;
  { name,
    modules ? [],
    owner ? "root",
    content ? "secretPasswordA",
  }: pkgs.testers.runNixOSTest {
    inherit name;
    nodes.machine = { config, ... }: {
      imports = modules;
      config = setAttrByPath configRoot {
        secretA = {
          request = {
            inherit owner;
          settings = settingsCfg content;

    testScript = { nodes, ... }:
        result = (getAttrFromPath configRoot nodes.machine)."A".result;
          owner = machine.succeed("stat -c '%U' ${result.path}").strip()
          if owner != "${owner}":
              raise Exception(f"Owner should be '${owner}' but got '{owner}'")

          content = machine.succeed("cat ${result.path}").strip()
          if content != "${content}":
              raise Exception(f"Content should be '${content}' but got '{content}'")

This test is generic because it sets the request on an option whose path is not yet known. It achieves this by calling setAttrByPath configRoot where configRoot is a path to a module, for example [ "services" "provider" ] for a module whose root option is under services.provider.

This test validates multiple aspects of the contract:

  • The provider must understand the options of the request. Here request.owner.

  • The provider correctly provides the expected result. Here the location of the secret in the result.path option.

  • The provider must behave as expected. Here, the secret located at result.path must have the correct owner and the correct content.

Instantiating the test for a given provider looks like so:

  hardcoded_root = contracts.test.secret {
    name = "hardcoded_root";

    modules = [ ./modules/blocks/hardcodedsecret.nix ];
    configRoot = [ "shb" "hardcodedsecret" ];
    settingsCfg = secret: {
      content = secret;

  hardcoded_user = contracts.test.secret {
    name = "hardcoded_user";

    owner = "user";
    modules = [ ./modules/blocks/hardcodedsecret.nix ];
    configRoot = [ "shb" "hardcodedsecret" ];
    settingsCfg = secret: {
      content = secret;

Validating a new provider is then just a matter of extending the above snippet.

To see a full contract test in action, the test for backup contract is a good example. It is composed of:


Two videos exist of me presenting the topic, the first at NixCon North America in spring of 2024 and the second at NixCon in Berlin in fall of 2024.

Are there contracts in nixpkgs already?

Actually not quite, but close. There are some ubiquitous options in nixpkgs. Those I found are:

  • services.<name>.enable

  • services.<name>.package

  • services.<name>.openFirewall

  • services.<name>.user

  • services.<name>.group

What makes those nearly contracts are:

  • Pretty much every service provides them.

  • Users of a service expects them to exist and expects a consistent type and behavior from them. Indeed, everyone knows what happens if you set enable = true.

  • Maintainers of a service knows that users expects those options. They also know what behavior the user expects when setting those options.

  • The name of the options is the same everywhere.

The only thing missing to make these explicit contracts is, well, the contracts themselves. Currently, they are conventions and not contracts.